The Russians Remains The Same

From very earlier in the Ukrainian-Russian war, there have been many reports of Russian soldiers looting Ukraine, including tractors that were remotely disabled.

This is the same as seen in the Soviet occupation of eastern Germany immediately after World War II, as Stalin insisted on getting their fair share of reparations. I’m reading a relatively recent book that describes well what was happening.

On a more systematic level, German museums, art galleries and private houses were robbed of countless pieces of art. Among the most priceless collections was the Eberswalde Hoard, the largest prehistoric gold treasure ever found on German soil. Like thousands of other items, it was secretly stashed away in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, never to see the light of day again. Often accomplished with crowbars, the dismantling of German industry in the Soviet Zone was crude as it was comprehensive. Machinery, raw materials, test tubes, chemicals, optic lenses, whole laboratories were packed up in boxes and shipped east. Train tracks were dismantled, cabling ripped out of the ground and from walls. In total, this robbed the Soviet Zone of Occupation of one third of its industrial base.

Hoyer, Katja, Beyond the Wall: East Germany, 1949-1990, p70

Just confirms what everyone believes: nothing has changed in 70 years, despite changes in regimes, literacy, etc.