As a technologist, I’m always interested in learning about the underlying technologies. Once, I intently watched an airplane’s entertainment system go through a Linux reboot. I recently added new use cases for Windows.

Velib’ is the public bicycle rental system in Paris. Each docking point has an associated kiosk which tracks bicycles rented and returned and generates the data necessary to bill customers. The Windows flying logo looks like it’s in the middle of its boot, but wasn’t moving and nothing happened for the few minutes I watched it. An upgrade that failed, perhaps?
This is a flight departure board at Paris Charles De Gaulle airport. Not exactly professional looking but perhaps we should be relieved that at least safe computing it being practices. That said, if you’re looking for Air France flight 1124, you’re screwed. [In case you’re interested, leaving at 20:45 for Lisbon.]

All pictures © 2023 Scott Christopher Sosna