Meandering Thoughts #13

Yesterday I drove into the office for work. Though seemingly mundane, It’s only the fifth day I’ve worked in my corporate office since my then-employer sent us home due to COVID.

In the 1348 business days (and counting) since March 9, 2020, I’ve been in the office .37% of the days since initially sent home for COVID.

Though not for everyone, WFH works for me, and am more productive than in the office, if for no other reason than an optimized work environment (starting with 4K monitors at home vs. 19×12 in the office). I’m good at building virtual-only work relationships. When required I work without much direction. My professional experiences allows me to quickly understand problems even when dumped into something new.

Would I accept a hybrid role in the future? Maybe, if the opportunity was beyond reproach. Would I accept a full-time in-office role in the future? Very unlikely. I’m technically a Remote – Minnesota employee even though I am seven miles from the corporate offices, and intend to keep it that way!