Foodie #2

Another item from the Marc Heu Pâtisserie Paris: When purchasing I didn’t hear its name but seems similar to his Chocolate Saint Honoré.

The pastry is composed of three puff pastries filled with a dark chocolate mousse and topped with a hardened layer of dark chocolate. The puff pastries are connected with a lighter chocolate mouse, all on a flaky, crunchy base: seems part flaky croissant, part graham cracker crust, but what do I know. Tasty regardless of whatever it was!

I first noticed the different textures: fluffy mousse, the hardened exterior of the puff pastries before you get to the soft interior, the crunchy base.

Next it’s about the different chocolate tastes involved: all subtle, not overly sweet, but different throughout.

Overall, an excellent pastry to enjoy and share.