Random Learnings #25

I recently finished reading Ken Follett‘s Edge of Eternity, Book Three of The Century Trilogy – I read the first two books, Fall of Giants and Winter of the World, years ago, but struggled through Edge of Eternity. While I found most of the book too predictable, this caught my eye:

“…I’m not an American citizen,” Jasper said. “I’m British.”

“What are you doing in the United States?”

“I’m a journalist. I work for a radio station”

“And you have a work permit, I presume.”


“You’re a resident alien.”


“Then you are liable to be drafted.”

“Are you telling me that the United States army conscripts foreigners?”

The captain was unperturbed. “Conscription is based on residence, bot citizenship.”

International travelers should be aware that you abide by the laws of whatever country you are currently in and, if arrested, you are entitled to notify the local American embassy or consulate and receive consular access – whether foreign government abides is a completely different question – but had never considered military service. Obviously, as an American male, I was required to register for the draft, but it was Follett whom brought the question of foreign nationals to my consciousness.

Searching the web didn’t turn up much other than WIkipedia:

…all male U.S. citizens, regardless of where they live, and male immigrants, whether documented or undocumented, residing within the United States, who are 18 through 25 are required to register with the Selection Service System.

Wikipedia, Conscription in the United States

Surprisingly, this raised a new question: undocumented immigrants? Really? An Orange County and Southern California law firm confirms this:

¡No Se Deje!
Federal law requires men between the ages of 18 and 26 years of age to register with the Selective Service Office.  The Selective Service Office establishes a list of all men eligible to be called to service in the military in case of a national emergency.  Immigrants, even undocumented immigrants, living in the United States must register with Selective Service within 30 days after their 18th birthday.  Immigrant men that are 18 or older when they enter the country must register as soon as possible and, at the latest, before their 26th birthday.  Immigrants that are in the country on a non-immigrant visa are not required to register with Selective Service.  Non-immigrant visas are issued for a fixed period of time e.g. 3 months, for a specific purpose like a visitor or student visa.


So undocumented immigrants, whom try hard to stay off-the-grid and not bring attention to themselves, could ultimately be arrested and deported if they don’t register for Selective Service, while registering could in fact bring attention to themselves and also result in being deported? Definitely a Catch-22.