Front-Yard Wildlife Lesson

A bald eagle caught a neighborhood squirrel – one of many – and decided the best place to eat was in our front-yard oak tree, totally unperturbed by the fascinated spectators nearby.

Though I know eagles are large birds, it’s very impressive being that close and seeing, in fact, what a truly massive bird an eagle is. Walking his dog on the other side of the street, a man immediately picked up his dog: though not a small dog, no question this large carnivore could easily swoop down and grab. As my wife and I stood on the porch watching, our cat was inside meowing, desperate to get outside. Not happening! Both fascinating and scary.

The neighborhood crows were not as awed, wanting the eagle to share its bounty, by dive-bombing and making themselves a nuisance in the hopes that the squirrel would be dropped. No such luck.


  • Image © 2024 Scott C Sosna
  • Video © 2024 Mike Smith