Six Degrees of Separation II

A followup to my previous post My Six Degrees of Separation.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

AFP via Getty Images

George Raveling was the University of Iowa‘s men’s basketball coach during my freshman and sophomore years.

Through a totally random and fortuitous turn of events, Raveling was on stage with Dr. King during the I Have A Dream address in Washington, D.C. Even more surprising, Raveling has Dr. King’s copy of the speech, IKYN.

I joined SCOPE – Iowa’s student organization responsible for on-campus concerts – during my sophomore year and often worked on-site before, during, and after the show, a go-fer for whatever fire needed to be tamped out.

During setup for the Chicago concert at Carver-Hawkeye Arena, Coach Raveling’s car was blocking the loading dock, preventing the unloading of a semi full of equipment. I was sent to ask Raveling (politely) to move his car; instead, he threw me the keys, and I moved it for him.

Scott >> George Raveling >> Martin Luther King, Jr.