My wife’s BMW displays this warning before every trip, which must be accepted before using any the in-vehicle infotainment system.
Obviously intended at the driver, my wife wondered what’s the ramification if the passenger accepts. If the driver didn’t accept, does that mean the driver is no longer responsible for safe vehicle operation? Or is the passenger accepting on behalf of the driver? What happens if the passenger is under age? What if the driver is under age? A lot of holes here.
I assume the manufacturer is trying to absolve themselves of misbehaving drivers getting themselves in trouble, similar to annual HR training I am required to complete at every company I’ve worked for: I’m sorry, he completed our sexual harrasment training and we have processes in place to anonymous report situations, therefore we can’t be held responsible for the unwanted advances he made to his co-worker. We tried our best.
I also wonder if this warning is shown everywhere or, due to our very litigious culture, only shown in cars sold in the US.