Until high school, I only cut my hair twice per year: the start of the school year and during the Christmas holiday break. As a result, I often had long, unruly, past-the-shoulder length hair which, at a certain length, naturally curled as if I had used a curling iron. Whether accidental or intentional, I was often mistaken for a girl: the Clinton YMCA locker room manager repeatedly gave me a key to lockers in the girls’ locker room. Each time, I had to go back, explain his faux pax,, and get a new key.
In small-town, rural Iowa, “hippie” long hair was unusual not often accepted or approved of, especially in a transplant from the “decadent” east coast.
My junior high basketball coach, Mr. Stewart, didn’t approve of long hair in general and definitely one of his players. After disparaging remarks throughout the season, he gave me an ultimatum: cut my hair or be kicked off the team. The subsequent practice I arrived with uncut hair, and he told me to leave the gym.
The events of the next 10-15 minutes were wonderfully rewarding, even fifty years later:
- Called Mom to tell her what happened and to pick me up. She asked if Mr. House, the school’s superintendent, was in: yes, he is in his office.
- She immediately called and spoke with Mr. House about what transpired, according to my version of the cain of events.
- Mr. House left his office and, presumably, went to speak with Mr. Stewart.
- Mr. House told me to return to practice, if I wanted.
Nothing more was said, and, with only one game remaining, Mr. Stewart likely decided it wasn’t worth fighting over his principles. Even as an eighth grader, I understood the magnitude of what transpired, and knew that I had won against a teacher.
Her support was very consistent. At this time, corporal punishment (e.g., spanking) could – and occasionally was – applied for school discipline. Though I don’t know details, she had made it extremely clear that spanking her children would not be tolerated, which I learned after telling her of a elementary classmate spanked for a minor rules infraction during PE class.
Another example of her support for those she loved.