Cool Photos #3

A rainy evening walking around Munich, circa 1991. My camera is an Olympus OM/2 35mm camera with a 50mm/1.6f lens and loaded with 3200 ASA black-and-white film . As I walk around this corner, I saw this couple walking away from me, umbrella protecting them from the rain. I raise my camera, quickly take 2-3 shots before I lose the couple, and continue on. Absolutely no expectations that anything will turn out, and, in those dark days of analog, I’ll have to wait until the film is developed when I get home.

Truthfully, I had no expectations for anything shot that evening: I’m not a great technical photographer, more guesswork than actual skills, but I figure if I shot enough something would turn out. I chose the 3200 ASA B/W because it was the fastest consumer 35mm film, figuring it may help. My jaw dropped the first time I saw it: the exposure was surprisingly good, the scene is well constructed, the store lights reflecting off the cobblestone adding an ambiance I hadn’t expected. I got really lucky!

I’ve framed this print many times, and each time I’m asked where I purchased the print. And then I surprise them by saying it’s mine! Definitely one of my best of all times, a shot I’m really proud of.

Photo © 1991 Scott C. Sosna, All Rights Reserved.