Sixth grade marked my entry into middle school at my rural Iowa school district with a multitude of changes: new classmates from the other elementary school; subject-specific teachers; a regimented school day divided into periods, classroom changes whenever the bell rang; and no more recesses. Childhood over.
Recesses in elementary school were (almost) always outside other than particularly nasty weather; in winter snow boots were required because you would be outside. Boots worn to school were left by the door until required for going home. No big deal, makes sense, protects students feet, yada yada yada.
However, I didn’t expect to wear boots to middle school as recesses were in the rear-view mirror…but mother disagreed and insisted otherwise, despite my protestations. Her compromise: get a note from school saying I didn’t need to wear boots.
The next day, I explained to Mr. Hand, the junior high student counselor, my logic and he agreed and wrote me the prerequisite note. I presented the note to my mother, after which she admitted defeat: no longer would I wear boots to school.
And in the forty-eight years since, I have yet to own a pair of boots, wearing normal shoes year-round, including winter: taking walks, shoveling walks, sledding or tubing, all without boots. Thank you Mother!