Memories of Mom #4

Mom and her boyfriend, Tom, held a yard sale to substantially slim down what was moving to Iowa with us.

At some point, she left to pick Courtney and me up from something. It was late summer, so it wasn’t school, but don’t remember what it was. Pratt Institute where we took childrens’ art classes? Friends down the block? Don’t know.

While she was gone, Tom manned the garage sale, and while she was away sold the electronic can opener. For whatever reason, she really wanted that can opener and was visibly disappointed when she learned it was sold. Don’t know if she bought it as a present to herself or received it as a gift, but she definitely wanted to keep it.

[And as I was only six years old, her disappointment must have been very visible.]

If she did own another electric can opener in the remaining 54 years of her life, I do not remember it. Perhaps she got another one at some point or perhaps it was the one-and-only, I can’t say, yet I still remember her disappointment when we got back to the house and Tom told her it was sold.