Museum of Musical Instruments

The name of the museum in Polish is Muzeum Instrumentów Muzycznych and contains actual and reproduction of musical instruments for many eras and countries. The museum is located in the Poznań Old Town.


Similar to the Museum of the Wielkoposka Uprising of 1918-1919, I had a single afternoon in Poznań on my way to Gdańsk. I thoroughly enjoy museums, I saw this one, I decided to stop in. Nothing more than that.

My Visit

The museum is simply a collection of musical instruments, arranged by a common theme – e.g., strings, keyboards, air – with labels in Polish and English with basic information about the exhibit: name, era, creator if known, etc.


A waste of time for all except those with a deep historical interest in the evolution or heritage of specific types of musical instruments. The exhibits only give the basic information about the instrument, no longer description giving background on the instrument, the evolution of music with the instrument, the type of music played on the instrument, etc. You could get just as much information by looking at pictures online.

The only instrument I truly found interesting and unique was a keyboard that had quarter steps.

For Children

Unequivocally no, fullstop.

Planning Your Visit

As of October 2023

  • Web Museum site:
  • Address: Stary Rynek 45, 61-772 Poznań
  • Handicap Accessible: No
  • Admissions: 15 zł adults, 10 zł seniors, 1 zł children/students
  • Closed on Mondays.

All pictures © 2023 Scott Christopher Sosna