Cool Photos #4
The mailboxes at the start of the dead-end the street where my grandparents once lived. As I remember, my aunt determined the mailboxes needed some color and painted their's (pink).…
Frank Lloyd Wright Gas Station
Of the many different residential and commercial buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, Cloquet, MN is the location of the only gas station built. Atlas Obscura explains how Wright originally…
The Impact of Technical Ignorance
I knew a Chief Software Architect from a major financial organization who was an anomaly: he had never developed software professionally. His undergraduate degree is in Accounting and Finance, and…
Random Learnings #23
From the review of the book Socialism vs Capitalism by Boris L. Brasol in the New York Times, Sunday, November 21, 1920: ...Mr. Brasol wrote under fear that Bolshevism was…
Foodie #3
A Valentine's Day special from the Marc Heu Pâtisserie Paris. This pastry has a top and bottom cookie (for lack of a better term), with raspberries and cream in between.…
Bucketlist #1
Experience a major weather event in NYC by arriving just prior to a major storm, preferably a blizzard where walking is the only way to get around town! Unfortunately…
Random Learnings #22
I ran into the word affray while reading the Encyclopedia Brittanica, Thirteen Edition, had never heard of the term and had no idea what it meant.... archaic: FRAY, BRAWL chiefly…
Meandering Thoughts #17
Jim Nantz in the Super Bowl: The Chiefs take the first lead of the Super Bowl. No, the Chiefs take their first lead of the Super Bowl. The 49'ers had…
Random Learnings #21
From The Encyclopedia Britannica, Thirteenth Edition (1926), Volume 2: Effects of the War Eastern Europe - The War completely changed the face of the Jewish world. In the Russian Empire…