The name of the museum in Polish is Muzeum Powstania Wielkopolskiego and tells a Polish history using the uprising in Poznan after World War I as a major event in…
European sports list the home team first while US sports list the home team last. I knew that football did that, but didn't know it extended to other sports as…
I had the privilege of being accepted to give my talk Demonolithing the Monolith? Bullocks! at Devoxx Morocco this year. And the talk was given in front of a full…
Today I am in Poznań, Poland, my first visit to this former Communist nation. I saw a lot of young adults and teens as I walked around, and wondered if…
John L. Stoddard was a lecturer who published ten volumes of his lectures, one of which I found at The Last Bookstore in Los Angeles. The volume I purchased were…
My wife and I attended a game at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles last Saturday. I've attended a handful of games over the years, it's an incredible venue: almost consistently…
I am speaking at Devoxx Morocco in October, the first time I'll travel to Africa. When I spoke at Devoxx UK earlier this spring, my wife came with, but she's…
What comes to mind when you think of the Netherlands? Canals? Hans Brinker, the boy who saved the country by sticking his finger in the dike? Anne Frank? Famous painters…
I graduated from my rural Iowa high school in 1983 with 48 others in a standard, uneventful, and completely forgettable ceremony, so - holy shit - I've now been a…