Are You Kidding Me?

Saw this in my neighborhood. Since Radio Shack has been out-of-business since 2015, it almost feels like an invitation to break in. I know nothing about these systems, but apparently…


A cat's most vulnerable area is her/his underbelly, and therefore they can be very protective of it. Once they trust you they're more likely to get on their back and…

Unwanted Cold Calls

As a technology professional, I'm fairly self-sufficient on all things web: for over 20 years, I hosted personal web sites, email domains, and audio streaming from my basement. I own…

Teasing The Cat

I was working today when I noticed my cat, Lojo (named after a French music group my wife and I love), perched on my desk peering at something. At first,…

Rules To Swear By

When pregnant with her son, my friend thought she needed to learn to moderate her language - especially her swearing - before her son repeated inappropriate words at inopportune times.…